I nostri Progetti


intende favorire la commercializzazione delle produzioni agricole locali nonché promuoverne il consumo e contrastare, allo stesso tempo, l’utilizzo di “cibi spazzatura”, rivoluzionando l’attuale modello di filiera corta esistente nel contesto territoriale pugliese.


L’ obiettivo del sito web è quello di promuovere le attività svolte dalla società/ente/associazione e favorire il trasferimento delle innovazioni ed informazioni per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle imprese regionali e nazionali.


management of of water streams in agriculture
2019-ongoing | rdp apulia 2014-2020
Leader on the educational projects, with focus on management, therapeutic protocols, informative monitoring, pilots development, targeted interventions, communication and dissemination



strenghtening regional and national cooperation between research and business
2017-ongoing | por apulia fesr-fse 2014-2020
Communication and dissemination of the results; LCA on the water management in agriculture


innovative solutions for social issues
2017-ongoing | por apulia fesr-fse 2014-2020
Communication and dissemination on the results of the DEMOLABS of the project


Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth
2017-ongoing | H2020
Best practices identification; support to innovation and uptake watch; dissemination and exploitation


short supply chain knowledge and innovation network
2016 – 2019 | h2020
Identification of SFSC criteria and best practices; community building and animation; innovation-driven research and bottom-up ideas promotion; communication, dissemination, exploitation activities


socially and health inclusive educative farmhouses project
2015-2018| call from apulia region “regional technological clusters” Leader on the educational projects, with focus on management, therapeutic protocols, informative monitoring, pilots development, targeted interventions, communication and dissemination;